Sometime when I look back
when I look at pictures
on my shelf
tears run down my face
for there are so many memories
that never fade from my mind
Now there are only the pictures
no one to touch
with all the memories embedded in my mind
I can still feel the touch
of each one I loved
I love
I know the love will never leave
as it has once been
its still clearly here
it has found a place safe
in my heart
in my soul
where all I love sails in freedom
I shall save the love
for you
for me
for everyone
the love that was
the love that comes
no one can come running by and grab it away
from me
its mine to give to you
And even though
one says that love can hurt
I say love cannot hurt
love is a beautiful feeling
sometime its just being there
sharing with others
with a mutual understanding
and caring
about the utter harmony
that lays within
Love is all about sharing
love gives the answer to the question
why am I here
and what do I have to be here for
I am here because of love
and it has been passed down to me by the ancestors
Even love between lovers
cannot hurt
the hurt is only something you self-inflict
because of a loss you cannot bear
but you have to live with it
yet you can drink from the memories
of the moments of love
for even if its not there to touch
it will always touch you
and the tears that run down my face
are not tears of hurt
they are tears of loving memory
I catch them in the cauldron of my hands
I look at them
they sparkle in the light like tiny stars
and in my mind
I make a brew of love for you
tears I wouldn't want to miss them in my eyes
from time to time
because they make me feel alive.