January 24, 2012


I walk by the ocean
on this gentle soothing night
my dream of you lingers on my mind
the gentle breeze enlacing me
impressions of days and nights gone by

I drink the moons reflection
which lingers on the sea
it soothes my hearts yearning
but patience I abide
for in my soul you do reside

Though now so far away
an ocean us divides
yet I do see you walking
and standing by the sea
as you thus silently think of me

Embraced by something wondrous
not easily extinct
nor vanish the loving moments
those which embrace us close
and never disappear the dreams we behold

"How do I love thee? Do let me count."

Your smile feels like a summers breeze
Your touch like velvet yet off steel
Alights me like a burning flame
Your words so linger on my mind
Your manly voice so sweet and smooth
Your melting gaze or piercing glance
Undoubtedly so full of love
And when we kiss it promises infinitude
Not only this do I desire
I love your words, the ones you write
For there is where we two unite

Unboundedly could we achieve
what many of us do just dream
without it ever being real
yet in compliance we would be
if we would write our poetry

For yes, you do inspire me
in mind and inks conspiracy
undoubtedly you have erupted
my never-ending poetry
as I do hope that you abide with me

No one I've met had what you have
and continuously give to me
gather the words I throw in the air
they talk of love and unity
a gift that I behold for thee
