February 20, 2011


You're my storm
You're like a wild puma
Taking over my whole being
Like a spirit hangimg over me

You do your voodoo to me

Your roots you have implanted in me
I have faith in your being
I have trust in you
You magnetize me

No matter how much I try to be free
You've put your bonds arround me
You've tied me up
Nowhere to flee I'm captivated by you

You do your voodoo to me

You move like a wild cat
You keep your ponder dry
You burst out with strange stories of your life
You make me laugh you make me cry

You do your voodoo to me

The calm before your storm
Can not be trusted
Have to keep my ponder dry
But if I dance I weather your cycles

You spinned your net around me
You're storm is like my wildest dreams
And God is mingling in my depth
He tells me not to let you go

You can what no one has
Disarm me to my very being
But never do I quail
Your storm has made me frail

You do your voodoo to me

You dominate me
With your strength
With your power
With your views
With your intemperance

You've empowered me
For you've let me talk
You let me hold you
Touch you kiss you
Make love with you

You do your voodoo to me

You're the storm I want to hold
And not let go
Let not pass by
The storm I want to calm

I want to hold you with my hands
Want to caress
To be but what you crave in me
Drink from the cauldron of my palm
Loves nectar that will be like balm

For you have freed the storm in me



  1. so lovely, touched my soul.

  2. Absolutely Beautiful! A wonderfully written piece...well done!

  3. Not sure if this will go through

  4. Cathy...perhaps go through in fantasy.
