February 21, 2011


Harmony to be able to cope

Justice to know right from wrong

Satisfaction to feel from an achievement

Dicipline for law and order

Tolerance for the wishes of others

Happyness to be able to laugh

Joy to be able to feel

Truthfulness to be able to believe

Faithfulness to be able to trust

Force to be strong and willing

Drive to be able to achieve

Compassion to be able to love

Generosity to be able to give

Helpfulness to be able to care

Pleasure to be able to share

Success to be proud

Depth to have insight

Beauty of the mind to be able to recognize

Painting to be able to express

Writing to be able to tell

Singing to feel joy

Dancing to feel free

Swimming to unwind

Laughing for the happy hormones

Nature for it's beauty

Music for it's sound

A house by the sea for it's tranquility

Peace for the freedom it gives

Love for the beauty of it

Honesty for the truth it supplies

Sensuality for the softness it beholds

Wisdom for the intelligence it bears

Intelligence for the wisdom that lies within

Romance for the togetherness it brings

Caring for when you care you receive

Freedom for peace on earth

Serenity for the holiness that lies within

Trust to feel safe

Ballet to enjoy

Adventure to be able to feel strong and free

Security to be able not to worry

Flying to feel free like a bird

Poetry for its selected words

Lyrics for the sound in a song

Togetherness for the happyness it brings

The sea for the life it gives

Mountains for the wonders they behold

Lakes for the peace they dispers

My faimily for the love they give

Real friends to count on a hand

Museums for the visits I undertake

Art for the beauty it brings

And you you you...


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