June 12, 2011


In my dream, when stars shine on a full moon night.
I shed my robe and dance for you by the sea where the waves hit the shore.
In the morn we see the sun rise and the gulls fly high. We stand and embrace, write words of love in the sand with our toes, laugh and feel free.
Come embrace me evermore you're the 'maitre' I adore…

You hypnotize me
Visit my every dream
Thoughts become real
I hear you speak sweet words of love
Yet it’s just a dream
When you slip into my brain
I slip away into yesterday
Wanting every moment to revive
Relive every scene
In this ever occuring dream
The contour of your face in my hands
Your questioning this gesture
Seems to me
Like no one ever cupped your face
Leaving their trace of touch
A feeling that never leaves again
For it's a touch of love
For when you dream
When you have that dream of me
My hands touching thee
You pressing your body on mine
Holding me tight
Tighter than anyone ever
Held me
I hold on to you
Become one with you
Every bone the same
We are a shape molded to fit
Like a sculpture you made
Of you and me
I see you and I hear you
As you call me
You speak to me in my dream
You speak me into trance
I slide away into my subconscious
Every time waves hit shore
Why am I the shore you seek
For in every dream
You are still touching me
Yet it’s only a dream
To drift away from reality
You call my love lust at times
Yet would I not love you
Would it be based merely on lust
For its only from loves roots
That I can feel lust for you
Trust my love
Let this dream become real again
Or let me have the power to disengage
Be free
When you hypnotize
You have me tranquilized
Make me powerless to move
But rest in my dream
I can’t erase what has been
But all I want is to get out of this endless dream
And be real
Walk on the beach, hold your hand
Feel it in mine, not just in the dream
And write love in the sand with our toes
In reality


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