February 13, 2011


You reside in the deepness of my heart

You are turmoil yet peace

You are love yet hate

You are great yet failure

You are genius yet idiot

You play and let suffer

You are the Keeper of my soul

You kiss me yet curse me

You make love to me yet hurt me

You speak the truth yet you lie to me

You play yet declare war against me

You shout yet you are silent

You are gentle yet brutal

How in the World is it possible

To be so controversy

To be an Angel

Yet also a Devil

Questions running through my head

Sitting on my bed


Why me

Why her...why them


Yet no answer to my question


You held me close to you

You made me believe in you

You tried to put me where you wanted me to be

Yet I was to curious

For your silence was loud

You made me dig and find

Women are your Agenda

You bewitch them

Then send them of to coventry

Spread your negativity

Call them when you feel like fantasy

Though, are they not of flesh and blood like you?

You preach the Bible

Yet follow not the word

But turn it into your own story

For you don't pray what you preach

You believe in nothing and no one

Yet you believe you are forgiven every Sin,

And believe the Keeper keeps no books

Yet for all your Sins you will have to pass through Purgatory

Before you will be let into Heaven

For everything you do comes back to you

The only things that suggest fear to you

You have lived through in the past

Yet you do not know what the future holds

Only the Keeper knows

Yet in this turmoil of my thoughts

Not knowing where to go

Not knowing where to rest my head

Not knowing where to shed my tears

Not knowing who to tell my fears

Just knowing I can pray for you to change

I still love you


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